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11 March 2009



I'm... kinda surprised at myself.
I'm taking this much better than I ever thought I would. But I mainly have to attribute that to the clarity given by the "official announcement." :)

Otherwise, I'd be depressed, borderline sick (again) about now.

Yes, I know some of you are not over it yet, and I apologize. :( Poor people. I'd help, but I wouldn't know how to. :(

It could have been worse... with some people, that works. ;) And if it doesn't for you, that's fine.
As for me, I think I need a bit more time before I can really accept Tait as lead... I mean, the man's vocal range is nothing like Pete's... and even though I do like his voice to some extent, it doesn't mean I'd like to hear it lead on newsboys songs.
That's Peter's job.

And that, my friends, was my HONEST OPINION. I'm not ashamed of honesty, and you shouldn't knock me down for it. ;)

I'm honestly over it!
I decided I'd listen to "Presence" for a little bit, then spontaneously went to my radio edit of "Something Beautiful," and managed to finish it. :D

I'm happy with myself, what can I say?

And then I listened to "Isaiah," which was pretty great, actually. :) I KNOW Tait will NEVER top that, because I doubt he's heard of it, honestly.
And it requires a lot of... talking in rhythm, if you will.

And a few other things...

Crapit, some are cut off.
Oh, well. You can always click on the photo. ;)



netsirK said...

Yeah, I surprised myself too. I thought I'd be either really sad or mad but I was just shocked.

Funny picatures! :D

Brittany November said...

Love the pics! ;) "Ohhhhh, we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz." Bah! Now I'm gonna be singin' that all night :P

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Oh. Hai. Hey. *hugs Taiter Tot * Welcome, Taitor Tot. we're gonna have fun wichu. >:) >:) >:) >:)
*hugs Peter * But we'll miss you terribly. :( Have a good life. make more good songies.
:D I lov-eth the picshahs!
Pepseh. >:)
Whai no i don't think so. i was going under teh speed lim't the whole time.