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29 March 2009


I haven't blogged in a... while.

I've had at least two come up to me asking about my father... well... let's just say my life is quickly becoming like a soap opera...
I'm learning quite a bit about him and his family from a distance, and quite basically, I keep getting amazed.
The latest piece of amazing news?

I might be a pastor's kid. O.o
I think when I first saw the first hint of that, I think my heart must've lost a couple beats. Goodness, this just seemed so... surreal. And it still seems that way.


*checks pulse*
I'm still alive... somewhat confused and mindblown, but still alive.

And y'know what?
I was really looking forward to showing everyone at church that first letter today.
But then... I ended up sick. Again! >:(
I'm not very happy about it.

And now... I want to switch to a more light-hearted topic...



netsirK said...

Wow! That's interesting! Another thing you may have in common with Pete. :D
XD XD I love them pics.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Oo. Soap operas. o.O Well I'll pray for you if you like. :) XD XD XD I seen all 3 of those and they crack me up a lot. Especially the last one because I know about Putin. Putin is a ruinous person. >:( He brings things to ruin.

Brittany November said...

Buh-bye levitating shoe! :P