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11 December 2008


I bet you think the blog title suggests that I will talk about my new Mac.



I'm at school. I can't upload photos, even if I wanted to.
But my Mac rocks.
Because he rocks, I named him Dude. After Peter. XD

Well, I guess I can tell you about what happened when I brought him to youth group.

I brought the ever-awesome Dude to youth group in his equally awesome laptop case (THANK YOU, HANNAH!), and Rusty immediately noticed (tonight, he was Mr. Beanie Hat Man. XD). He knew I brought a laptop, but he thought it was a windows.


So I showed him Dude. He thought he was a brand new Macbook Pro. Hah, I wish. No, he's slightly older. :P :P
So he took over it temporarily, trying to get Dude onto the church's secure internet. It took a few tries. XD But he finally did get on and I had internet!

And Hannah wanted pictures of me opening it and my reaction... but no such luck. :( :(

But for the rest of you, I have the next-best thing. Perhaps.

Haha! An OLD picture of Peter! I think he was overcaffeinated. But was Red Bull the culprit? We will never know.



Kristen said...

Therapy, therapy, therapy...that is one strange photo. Early 90s and late 80s photos tend to be...frightening. :P

Very cool on your new Mac! Felicitations on that. Rusty seems like a very interesting character, no respect of boundries...

Brittany November said...

I don't think Red Bull was around in the 80' least if it was it was only an energy drink in the prehistoric sense (i.e.- Corn syrup :p) Gosh, that pic is funny though. It always cracks me up seeing pictures of him with hair ;)

CrimeSceneFairy said...

YAY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
I want a mac.
Instead I get
:D :D :D
Jealous much? XD

netsirK said...

Again, so glad you got a Mac!! :D

Rusty is a thief! XD Strange he thought it was a Macbook pro when he is a Mac expert. :P