I bet you think the blog title suggests that I will talk about my new Mac.
I'm at school. I can't upload photos, even if I wanted to.
But my Mac rocks.
Because he rocks, I named him Dude. After Peter. XD
Well, I guess I can tell you about what happened when I brought him to youth group.
I brought the ever-awesome Dude to youth group in his equally awesome laptop case (THANK YOU, HANNAH!), and Rusty immediately noticed (tonight, he was Mr. Beanie Hat Man. XD). He knew I brought a laptop, but he thought it was a windows.
So I showed him Dude. He thought he was a brand new Macbook Pro. Hah, I wish. No, he's slightly older. :P :P
So he took over it temporarily, trying to get Dude onto the church's secure internet. It took a few tries. XD But he finally did get on and I had internet!
And Hannah wanted pictures of me opening it and my reaction... but no such luck. :( :(
But for the rest of you, I have the next-best thing. Perhaps.
Haha! An OLD picture of Peter! I think he was overcaffeinated. But was Red Bull the culprit? We will never know.
Therapy, therapy, therapy...that is one strange photo. Early 90s and late 80s photos tend to be...frightening. :P
Very cool on your new Mac! Felicitations on that. Rusty seems like a very interesting character, no respect of boundries...
I don't think Red Bull was around in the 80's...at least if it was it was only an energy drink in the prehistoric sense (i.e.- Corn syrup :p) Gosh, that pic is funny though. It always cracks me up seeing pictures of him with hair ;)
YAY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
I want a mac.
Instead I get
:D :D :D
Jealous much? XD
Again, so glad you got a Mac!! :D
Rusty is a thief! XD Strange he thought it was a Macbook pro when he is a Mac expert. :P
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