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29 October 2008


Hai, peeps.
I apologize if this blog isn't up to standards; I'm trying to blog and at the same time, complete schoolwork. :P I have 3 things due today! Gotta start crackin'!


All of you who said "Spirit Thing" are correct. I'm doing that song. And I've recommissioned my old iPod for this task. It has its own speaker, so I had to use it... it was either that, or Pete Jr, my blue iDog. I have pics of my iPod shuffle and its speaker... CLICK HERE for the pics.

And I have two midterm study guides due today. >:( UGH. I'll be so glad come the 2nd anniversary of GO. Which is Friday.

So allow me to finish my work and alleviate my burden, if y'all could be so kind. :)



CrimeSceneFairy said...

I WAS RIGHT!! *dances around*
Have fun with that...

Brittany November said...

Second anniversary of go, huh? If one didn't know any better; they might think it was on Halloween or something ;)
Spirit Thing?! Hallelujah!!! I was right! Quite frankly, I just didn't like the other two songs, so that's why I chose that one. LOL!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

By the way, been was sayin' OGC...what does that mean?
Oh Great Carrot??