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28 October 2008


Guess what?!
Go ahead, guess what!



No. You are DEAD wrong! :P

No, no, I'm doing the BEST school project EVER.

And it's a poetry project, of all things.

Don't start hyperventilating yet, Verja.

See, we had to find a SONG. To present to the class. Now is was an interesting and exhilerating challenge for me. I've done something like this before... but not like this one. Actually, I like this one better, because we get to PLAY the song!
I might have to recommission my iPod shuffle for this mission. It has its own speaker, as I showed the day I got Squizzy.

So what song did I pick?
Well, I wanted a song that didn't sound totally insane (like the TMTYL songs, or a bit of the NA songs...), or that the nb (mainly Pete) are embarrassed about (That eliminates the first 3 albums), and I didn't want one that spoke too plainly. I wanted a song that was cryptic; I had to hunt for its meaning (that erases all of the songs on the worship projects, most of Paul's songs and some of Phil's songs -- especially off thedeliberatePeople. album --, "Isaiah," a few from GO, and even a couple off Thrive.).
That doesn't leave much to choose from. I chose a song off Going Public. And it's not "Shine." Or the title track. And its one of the first five tracks. That leaves three songs. I want you to guess which one it is.
YOUR CHOICES (if you don't know the track list of one of my favorite nb albums) ARE:
"Real Good Thing."
"Spirit Thing."
and "Let it Rain."

Go forth and comment!!!!!!



CrimeSceneFairy said...

Imana (that means I'm going to if ya didnt know) guess
Either Real Good Thing
Spirit Thing
Let it Rain.
Just kidding. I've only heard Spirit Thing so I'll just guess that and be totally wrong. :D

netsirK said...

I'm gonna say Real Good Thing. :D

That sounds like a cool project! Remember to tell us how it goes.

Brittany November said...

I'm gonna say Spirit Thing. Thank you for following me ;)

Anonymous said...

Let it rain