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20 October 2008

Post #107...

Yeah, I have surpassed 100 posts finally!

Hmm... what to blog about...

Oh! I forgot a detail of the tMac concert.

There was this little blond-haired boy... he was sitting on one side of the stage before Toby went on, flicking a flashlight on and off. I'm still not sure who he is exactly. He looked a bit young to be Truett, Toby's eldest son, aka truDog... might have been, though.
We saw him again at the end of the concert, on Toby's shoulder. Cute little thing; it was then I knew he was Toby's son... which one, I'm not sure. :P If you know (*coughtacogirleventhoughshesstillingreececough*), please tell me. I'd be delighted to know. :P

I made a lot of twitter updates last night (since my Twitter updates are synched with my Facebook updates, and I made a few more Facebook update, you can imagine how many updates I have on my Facebook. XD)... Swampie was deciding to quit on me, and it was making me fume. I hate Swampie. I'll be SO glad when I get a MAC that WORKS. :P :D

Yeah, that's it for now.


1 comment:

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Well no I don't know who it was! xD Truett has kinda...ok um....*thinks*
If you google for Trudog's picture blog you can see what he looks like and see if it's 'im.