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26 July 2008




I accompanied my mother doing some errands today. We were playing Tac's (tobyMac) album Portable Sounds... or, to be a little more specific, "Boomin'." That song rocks. Literally. Anyways, so we heard to the whole thing, which includes something called "Opera Trip," after the song is done. It consists of Mandisa trying to sing opera... and let me just say, it was VERY SHOCKING. Or traumatizing, whichever you prefer.

My mom: She sings pretty good.
Me: Not when she's doing opera!!

So, yeah.


Y'know, I think this topic is gonna make some of Phika's friends hate me, so here goes nothing...

I detest Miley Cyrus.

No, no, let me rephrase that... I detest that she doesn't let her Christianity show... and the day she writes Christian songs, perhaps I'll start listening to her. One thing she's done recently (and some of the things on recent airings of her TV show...) makes me connect all that, with a new song I recently listened to... "Selfish Song," by the Paul Colman Trio.

Want the lyrics to that? Go here....


I'm remembering all of my good times on YouTube now... like this vid...

This song rocks. John Reuben rocks, too. My mom makes fun of the way he dances. It's both funny and mind-bendingly awkward, creepy, and disturbing.
But the fact that they're playing what appears to be an extreme version duck-duck-goose is pretty weird, but something I'd totally expect from Reuben.


Uhh... hmm...

Have you seen any of the newsboys podcasts? They're hosted by Colpa, which means they're pretty much hilarious. One of my favorites isn't all that funny, but it's pretty cool... Podcast 6. The guys were visiting an orphanage in Uganda... they were having a blast, too. I especially liked the part where Furpe was playing around with this cute Ugandan baby (I wish they could've got a better view of her, but we only see her from the back. Bummer), by pulling his day job: making faces to entertain peeps like me, who is FAR too easy to entertain. Go figure.

Ok, I guess that't it. All I can think of to blog about.



WARNING!! Sword blows to the head may cause headaches.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on Hannah Montana. She's SO annoying. I detest her, but part of that is because I get so sick of people constantly talking about her.

I love podcast 6! It's certainly the most touching podcast the boyz have ever done.

Swords hurt? *gasp* That's so profound! :p

Blueh said...

I know... I was watching Mythbusters. Weird show. :p

CrimeSceneFairy said...

#1 Mandisa is AWESOME she should've won AI but the opera thing is just another random short thing Tac likes to do. xD
#2 I don't like her anymore for the exact same reason! The closest she gets to Christian stuff is in I Miss You when she says "I know you're in a better place".
She is with Disney and Disney doesn't want anybody to get "offended" so she can't really sing Christian stuff but if she was really serious about it...she wouldn't be with Disney
Her father is supposed to be Christian too but guess what? He's really Methodist.
I know methodists.
They are not Christians.
Most of them aren't anyways.
The ones I know aren't.
Anyways and another random tidbit or rumor I found out about her while I was still a fan,
Something about her sister not being her mom's daughter and Miley was born before her parents got married or something....
Enough ranting about her
#3 I've watched that video so many times!!!! I love it so much!!!! John Reuben rocks...he kinda raps weird but for some reason I love it!!
#4 I'ma watch that now