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25 July 2008


We just got back from one of my family's favorite restaraunts: Elizabeth's Pizza. It's always the place to be for strange things to happen. It's weird... everything strange in my life happens at this place.

Like one time, a year or so ago, we were sitting in Elizabeth's during a thunderstorm, and suddenly, BOOM! All the lights and stuff go out. Gasp. All the employees were scrambling to the tables to light the little candles at each one... one of them asked for a lighter or something, and my dad, being the cigarette addict, donated his lighter.

Now, let me say one thing about me and rain/thunderstorms: I. Love. The. Rain. When it rains, I'm the first one to sprint outside and run around in the middle of the downpour. It exhilerates me.
Now, t-storms are another story. I don't usually go outside during those things. Usually, I like to observe the light show (which I've often said is better than the movies) from my bedroom window. And so, I get really, really uneasy when I'm away from my home and a thunderstorm is raging outside. One reason, I've already told you.... here's my other reason:
I ALWAYS carry my iPod on me whenever I leave my house. And that particular day, I remembered hearing about this young guy who got elecrocuted by a lightning bolt which had been attracted by his iPod; he was listening to it while he was mowing his lawn. So, even to this day, I'm convinced my iPod is like an umbrella: a lightning rod. Even if mine's a Shuffle (like Phika's Alflalfa), the tiniest MP3 player around.
So, anyway, that was the first strange occurence at Elizabeth's.

The next one happened just tonight. Apparently, while I was tuned into singing the Paul Colman Trio's "Run," everyone in the restaraunt was singing "Happy Birthday" to this 95 year old woman named Millie. Lucky nonogenarian she is. She walked out waving to everybody. I'm glad she had a blast at Elizabeth's; I tend to.

And, to quote Yakko (of Animaniacs), "And now, for something COMPLETELY different!"

I remember on an old thread on the newsboys message boards where I said that Relient K makes me think of Hannah Montana now (and vice-versa).
Well, now you guys get to see what I mean...


Anonymous said...

Cool, randomness! :D

You should come up here! It rains 24/7!

Theophilus said...

You're doing awesome blogging
I thought you'd blog like once a month and then my friend Caity...but you didn't! hurrah!

I need asome relient k songs besides their christmas album (which rocks too) They're a really cool band

Not as cool as neeeeeeewsboooys!!

Theophilus said...

Oh sorry that were me Phika on Dad's computer