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06 August 2009

I Feel So Accomplished

I have officially driven a motor vehicle... accomplishing, I know.
This'll be a short post.

See, I've been terrified to operate such a beast until Driver's Ed. And even then, I was a little nervous.
But then again, what's to be nervous about when operating an automatic? It almost drives itself. :P
It's the manual that is MY car that I have to worry about.

Actually, my mother challenged me to move her car for the trimming of grass... yesterday. I didn't want to, but I got calloused into it, and thus I slammed myself into the driver's seat. And it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be...
Today was a bit harder - going from one property to the other, then back again. Going to wasn't all that bad - going back was a little bit tougher.
Especially when a little dog - that belonged to me *gack!* - ran in front of me. I didn't want to kill her butt, so I put the vehicle in a neutral position and opened the door and call-ed her to me. Dang dog.

So there's my mini post of the day. :)



CrimeSceneFairy said...

:D w00t, you has driven! I wouldn't be as brave as thou. :P um yeah. whai you drivin when you 14?

Brittany November said...

YAY! You didn't kill anything's butt. Hehehe....and you finaly blogged! *Sigh of relief*

hksmitty said...

:) awesome sis! why didn't you tell me sooner? :) seriously tho I'm proud of you mate :) And I'm sure you'll be fine with the manual too ;)

netsirK said...

Kewel! 'Cept for the suicidal dog. xD I was super-hyper nervous when I first drove... especially since I didn't have a permit. *shhhh*