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12 April 2009

One Ailment to Another

Oh. Hai.
How are y'all today?
Me? Oh, I feel better than I have in five weeks (especially since I felt the worst on Sundays). But with the departure of the headaches, the eyestrain... in comes the evil hanging toenail.

The toenail (not to mention cramping whose origin I'd rather not say) is pretty much worse than the aforementioned other ailments.
Nooo, the toenail is making my life... well, hell on earth. *careful not to curse*
I jammed my toe into my left shoe. It feels weird. I take a shiny light to it (this was two evenings ago), and realize I broke it... like far, far down it.


I'm debating whether I should show you.
It's... red. Not like skin can turn red, but like blood can turn red.
And with each passing night, it gets looser. Today was the first day that I had to actually wear shoes with the nasty nail.

And it was horrible. I was limping, the nail was being ornery (XD), and quite frankly, I didn't want to move.
So here I am, in desperate need of sandals. I hate my nails. Nothing but trouble. Same for those little tiny toes on either foot. Nothing but pain and suff'rin'.

*kicks something with left foot*
Should be fun, taking a shower tonight. *pout*

Okay, I'm done ranting. :) Y'all can go on with your happy Easters and such. Or in Skittles' case, Pussywillow Sundy
That was the only highlight of my day thus far - the fact that it's Easter.



CrimeSceneFairy said...

Ow. oooohhhwwww. 't doesn't sound nice at all. :[ i jammed my toe in once and it turned blue. Heh...heh... >:(
Hope you gets better. g'baiz

Kiwi da Fruit said...

Oh, poor Blueh! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. That's really too bad. I don't think a photo would be the best idea if it looks nasty. If you do that, please put a warning in the title so I don't see the picture! :D

Ooo, you have a pingbox! Too bad you're not online at the moment!

netsirK said...

Merry Easter! Glad you had a good one. At least there's one good thing. :)

EW ICKINESS AND TOENAILS! I so sorry. :( That really stinks. Be better, k? I'll pray.

Jesus Freak94 said...

aww poor Bluey :(

completely off topic (was there a topic anyway? oh, yes. oh well)
How Long Til The Boards Are Back Up!!! waghhhhhh!!!

Brittany November said...

Hi! I sorry you feelin' crappy! :P I have a toenail that's ingrown. It literally...but y'know ;)

Whai haven't you commented on my blog in forever? Do you hate me? :( ;)