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03 April 2009


[ ]my fingernails/toenails are almost always painted
[ ]during the summer the only shoes I wear are flip flops (hah. Try no shoes at all. HAAAAH!)
[ ]my favorite toys as a child were barbies (Ew)
[ ] my favorite color is pink or purple
[ ] I did Gymnastics
[ ] I love skirts (not always... haven't worn one this year... :P)
[ ] Hollister is one of my favorite places to shop (ew, clothes shops)
[ ] tight jeans are the only jeans i'll wear (try BAGGY jeans. ;) )
[x] I love chocolate (no der)
[x] I've never had a real job (need one)

[] my hair is almost always straightened (messy!)
[x] I have a myspace/facebook (Gee, never thought Myspace/FB was girly...)
[ ] I love to hang out at the mall with friends
[ ] I have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace or earrings
[x] I've gone to a tanning salon (I protest! It was a SPRAY-TAN! XD)
[ ] I've gone to the beach to tan - not to swim
[ ] I have at l east 10 pairs of shoes (Meh, maybe 6)
[ ] I watch either the OC or Laguna Beach
[ ] I change my icon weekly 
[ ] I wear a shower cap (wimp!)

[ ]I love hot topic!!
[ ]my cell phone might as well become a part of me
[ ] I wear mascara everyday.
[ ] I've been or am on a diet (I've fasted once. Don't think that counts)
[ ] bathing suits are adorable
[ ] I don't know the difference between a sheep and a goat.
[ ] big sunglasses are hot!
[x] I have gotten my nails done before (yeah, against my will. My fingernails are LONG)
[ ] I own over 10 purses
[ ] MTV is one of my favorite channels

[ ] all I want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys.
[x] I love to have people do my hair (Guilty...)
[ ] I give and receive hugs from all my friends
[x] I hate bugs (mainly ones that sting. >:( )
[ ]carnivals are so fun!
[ ] Summer is THE Bomb!!!!!! YEAHH!!! (Meh, summer's fine... and yes, I mean the season. :P)
[x] my swimsuit has 2 pieces (where is that thing, anyway...? XD)
[ ] I'm waiting for my knight in shining armor
[ ] musicians are so hot (XD XD XD XD XD *ahem*)

[ ] I am self-conscious
[x] I cry often (that's not girly, that's autism. XD)
[ ] my car smells like vanilla or cherry (at this point, I just hope it doesn't smell like a cat's been in there... because one has. XD)
[x] my dishes get washed more than once a week (not my decision)
[x] I don't do sports (EW, SPORTS. I like getting down and dirty, but sports aren't my thing)
[ ] I HATE to run
[ ] I squeal when i am SURPRISED or angry 
[ ] i eat dried fruit as a snack
[x] I love romance novels (Here are my guidelines for an AWESOME romance novel: 1. a murder mystery or something similarly suspenseful 2. Kids. The younger, the better)
[ ] Drew Barrymore is so cute

[ ] I dance a lot.
[ ] I usually spend an hour or more to get ready to leave my house
[ ] I only have like 5 billion hair products
[ ] I love to get dressed up.
[ ] every part of my outfit needs to match
[ ] I talk on the phone at least once a day (yeah, good luck getting me to do that!)
[ ] I would love to have a photo shoot
[ ] I apply lip stuff 50 times a day
[ ] I wish I looked like a model

[ ] I wish I could meet Paris Hilton
[x] I have been to something that was semi-formal (Funerals definitely count)
[ ] I own Uggs (what?)
[ ] Hip Hop is the best music (try RAP... >:) )
[ ] I pop my colla XD XD
[ ] I like to be the center of attention
[ ] guys with Mohawks are weird (No, Duncan is NOT weird! :'( )
[x] horses are beautiful (what? They are!)
[ ] I'd rather not pay attention in school
[XXX] Cats are adorable (SO ARE DOGS XD)

[ ] I write my own music (I wish)
[ ] I'd love to visit Hawaii
[ ] Valentine's day is cute
[ ] white is better than black
[ ] I would not be caught dead in all black
[x] My closet is STOCK FULL of clothes (That I NEVER wear)
[ ] I hate the grunge look
[ ] I like to read magazines

[ ] I love to talk 
[x] I had Lisa Frank folders/posters/notebooks as a kid (Guilty...)
[ ] I love Celine Dion (EW!)
[ ] My bubble baths are 1-2hrs long (Feh! Water raining down on you is MUCH better!)
[ ] I have or still do plan ahead for my wedding
[ ] My friends and I are in a strict group.
[x] I like little kids (I wish I were better with them! I do love them. The younger, the better!)
[ ] Diet drinks are the best
[ ] I'm all about being vegetarian
[ ] I refuse to eat at McDonalds (BK is better, but I tolerate Nald's McDo)

[x] I check my facebook everyday (I'm sorry, I'm addicted. HELP!)
[x] I love life sometimes ("I'm gonna love this life You've given me...")
[ ] I have a lot of jewelry
[x] my screen name(s) have x's in them (GAAH! Guilty)
[ ] I have a friend named Ashley
[ ] I would never want to be the opposite sex
[>] Its not what they said, it's the way they said it (not always)
[x] I have more than 3 pillows on my bed (Four)
TOTAL: 22.5

OGC OGC OGC OGC I'M 22.5% GIRLEH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




netsirK said...

Ha! You're more girly then me! >:)

I agree though.. what in the earth does Facebook/Myspace have to do with being girly? And I've never thought of hip hop as girly.

Kristen said...

Apparently none of my friends have had a real job...what's the big deal? :P

*checks Facebook*

*searches notes*

Aha! Here we are, I was 15% girly. :D

CrimeSceneFairy said...

:P :P :P You horrible girly person
You coulda took off the ones that don't count, like I did.
I'm in Czech Republic. Hehehehe >:)

Kiwi da Fruit said...


Blueh, let's all go over to Skittles' blog and comment a lot to suprise her when she gets back!

I'm going to do this tag on Monday or Wednesday, I think.

guitargirl said...

hi! I don't feel like signing into google right now because I'm on my Dad's computer at my Dad's office and Dad's over my shoulder and i can't be on here very long *deep breath* but...yay tags! :-D

Hopefully I'll have internet in one to two business days...:P

Kiwi da Fruit said...

Hi! I did that tag on my blog today. Come check it out, if you want. I'm just a leeetle bit more girly than you, but I think the quiz is messed up! :D

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog, I hadn't noticed previously in my searches!
Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions

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