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06 February 2009

Faith and Fame

I have been blown away from what I have seen last night.

I don't think anyone who doesn't have GMC knows what Faith and Fame is. It's a show on GMC that highlights Christian groups and their journey in... faith and fame. Yeah, that's it.

Well, last night, none other than the newsboys were featured on there -- probably just weeks before Paul left, because he was still there. Some of the things they mentioned I already knew... like the long line of former newsboys (which made me laugh because it brought around how bad their memory is. :P). But not all... which is part of what blown me away.

For one thing, Peter told us a little about a nasty Burger King experience in their early days. Then he went on to John and his experiences... which brought back memories for me and slightly depressed me.
Then, something I wasn't expecting at all... Peter went more in-depth into his marriage problems... which made me really want to either bawl my eyes out or leap into the TV screen and death-grip his neck. :P
And what happened to him really explained "It Is You" and the worship albums (which nobody seems to like. LIKE THEM ALREADY, SHEESH! Peter worked hard on them)... and really brought full-circle why I became a newsboys fan in the first place... which I now see as an act of God more than anything else.

And thus, I went to bed early last night, telling God my thoughts on the whole thing... and begging Him to let me have enough time with Peter to explain my life story and the band's effect on my life. I just want him to know... so... very... badly...

Alright, I'm done.
But I has a question.
Why did YOU become a newsboys fan?!




CrimeSceneFairy said...

I dont has GMC. :'(
'T sounds sad. Could you...would you..pleeeease...tell meh what he sayded?
Uhm. I becamed a newsboys fan because i liked some of their songs, and then later i found out a lot of their historyness. :)

Brittany November said...

To be honest; this sort of think belongs in my testimony; not a comment. LOL! I don't feel like going over and making another post now; so:
I bought one of their albums because I heard they had tour with Rebecca St. James, and I like RSJ. I had grown up listening to Christian music and had heard songs like "Take me to Your Leader" in passing on the radio when was a kid.
I had never heard the song "Shine" though and the first time I heard it (I was about your age. Maybe a little younger)on that CD it really set in for me what it mean to "Let your light so shine." I remember at the time I heard that song I was in a place where I wasn't close with God at all and could find Him present in my life. So I remember praying and asking Him to help me "Shine" for Him. I was hoping that by doing so I could somehow lead my Dad into a closer walk with the Lord.
It didn't take me very long to find out I couldn't be a better person on my own; so then for the first time I began seeking God and asking Him to make changes in me and draw me close to Him. It was at that time that I really felt God's presence for the first time. God used that song so much in my life.
So that's why I became a fan. I still listen to them because it still encourages me. People who say that rock and roll is the devil's music are full of crap ;) God has used music in such a big way in my life to make me a better person and bring me to Him.
*Deep breath* SOOO. There ya be. In a nutshell ;) That Faith and Fame was kind of sad. I had seen that a few moths ago and that's when I found out why James left :-O

Brittany November said...

Oh, and the fact that they rock, have an awesome live show, and are really funny and popular also helped ;)

Anonymous said...

I think we first liked them coz they had the kinda funny but true lyrics in TMTYL, then we heard Adoration and the music and words were absolutely great!!!

netsirK said...

I'm so glad you got to watch that! It's amazing.

I first became a fan after getting He Reighns: The Worship Collection and LOVING it. That's why I don't get why people don't like Adoration and Devotion. So really first I just loved their music. Then I learned more about the band, watched podcasts, read interviews, and got a HUGE respect for them.