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22 December 2008


Today... is another day... Christmas Adam (XD) is tomorrow... it's funny.
Last year, by the end of this day, I was terribly sick. How sick? Well, it kept me up ALL NIGHT. >:(

This year, the economy is sick. So very sickly.
I need something to cheer meh up.


There's been a controversy on the nb boards about a certain former newsboy's possible return. Even Habibi mentioned this former newsboy in his last report. So something's up if even Habibi says something on the subject.
Well, I'm beside myself in this matter. To be honest, I've always wanted to hitchhike (or fly, walk, something) to Arizona and see if Jody still lived in Yuma. And then meet him, beg for stories, all that...

But this... this just... well, on the inside, I look like this --> :O

I'ma post a little page... made by a certain fan, who was a huge, huge fan of Jody... CLICK HUR FOR IT.

And now I'm gonna quote Spongebob -- "Don't you have to be dead to have a memorial anything?" (That was Squidward who said that, actually. :P)

But this page is pretty cool. All the things you wanted to know about Jody's... smile issues, mainly. Poor dude didn't really smile in pictures much. But I've already blogged about that.

Go see!



CrimeSceneFairy said...

Christmas Adam. XD XD
Boo sickyness.
I want Paul to stay. Sorry, but Jody...IT'S NOT THE SAME.
I love the pics tho and at the bottom of the page... "Please clean up your drool before you leave this gallery for home"
Ew spongebob.

Brittany November said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just imagine all the rocking that could be done if they had PC and then Helmet back!!! That would be awesome. From a guitarist's view; Helmet was more talented that PC. I think PC is funnier though; so I couldn't really choose between the two of them.
Darn, nows I'm gonna have to go check that out...

Kristen said...

Yay! Someone else who referrs to the 23rd as Christmas Adam. :D

I'm rather nervous about what is up with Jody and/or Paul. :( It would be cool to have Jody back, I think, and we can keep contemplating his smiling issues. :P But he CAN NOT take over Paul's place. We need Paul!! *grabs hold of Paul and won't let go* It would be awesome if he could do more solo shows but I think I would rather him be a Newsboys and just be patient and wait for him to do solo somewhere within three hours of me. (Yes, my parents refuse to drive me further than three hours. :P )

Oi Boyz is a great site. :D I spent alot of time on there has a starting Newsboys fan. Such fun... This is one of my favorite pages on there: Hehe. XD

Brittany November said...

Yes, but I'm pretty sure Paul plays bass. Hmm, which band do we all know who has a bass guitar player that just dropped out?? ;) So I'm thinkin' if they were smart; they would move Paul to the bass guitar part and put helmet back on guitar! It's all falling into place now! ;)