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13 December 2008

Random Skillet Quotes

This is my first blog on Dude! Everyone must applaud. XD

And to kick that off, I'm gonna list some funny Skillet quotes. Mainly Cooper quotes. And by Cooper, I mean John Cooper -- see, since I know two famous Johns (not including any in the Bible, mind you), so I'm just gonna call him Cooper. Much like netsirK calls him Mr. Cooper. But I can't stand formalities, so I'm gonna go plain ol' Cooper.

"We're here, uh, just being really awesome together. Am I right?" - Cooper.

*is doing absolutely NOTHING* "This is what we do backstage; we just go crazy." - Cooper.

"Hey, Jen, who's your favorite lead singer/bass player in the rock band?" - Cooper.

"Oh, snap! Change the tanks." - Cooper.

"Just finished the DVD shoot. We think it went good, but I hate hearing myself sing live." - Cooper.

"Eating candy, drinking waters, watch this right here..." *pours water on face* - Cooper (again).

"I got one more thing to say -- rock and roll ain't noise pollution." - Cooper (AMEN, MAN!)

"WHAT ARE WE DOING?!" - Cooper.

"I don't have snot smacking in my mouth" - Cooper.

"Dude, I bet that makes you feel like crap." - Cooper.

"Finally, John Reuben comes out, and sits down -- he had a notepad. We think he was writing music in the bathroom." - Cooper.

"We're hanging out here with Lacey from Flyleaf; she's eating a little too much... now she's eating a dirt bar." - Cooper.

"I'm not trying to show my muscle, they just pop out everywhere." - Cooper.

"Well, I'm one of those songwriters... everything I hear goes through my John Cooper filter of of what I like and what I don't like..." - Cooper (who else?)

And finally...

"So you're probably wondering where the name comes from. We were named after a frying pan. No, no... here's the real story... we... were... named... after a frying pan." - Unknown Skillet member, probably Cooper.

XD Have fun with that!



netsirK said...


Aren't Skillet podcasts awesome???? I love 'em! Especially the one with Lacey in it, even though she doesn't say anything. She just gets picked on by MR. Cooper. XD He's funny.
I really dunno why I call him Mr. Cooper. I don't usually use formalities either.

And glad you like the negative shortcut! Isn't it fun? *looks at your blog in negatives* Whoa, Peter looks freaky.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I told Hannie you were gonna blog 3 times about Dude. :)
And in All Caps, but you didnt do that
I would blog in all caps
but that doesnt matter...
Anyways HAHAHA!! Cooper be funneh!!

Brittany November said...

LOL! I love Skillet (Skillet-tee-doo! :)) Here's my favorite from when he was on Total Axxess:
Wally: So what's it like being in a band where the chicks look tougher than you?
Cooper: Are you saying I'm pretty?