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07 December 2008

Owan Taggy

Well, Owan came up with a kewl tag. I might as well do it, too!

I am: a redheaded Christian of shyness.
I think: randomly
I know: pie are round, boss bread are square. PIE ARE NOT SQUARE! XD XD
I have: waay too many things.
I wish: to see Peter. Close. In person.
I hate: hypocrites. Including meh, at times.
I miss: my friend Sara. :(
I fear: Fear. And Elmo.
I feel: like a stuffed-up piece of... something or other.
I hear: silence. Oh, wait... *goes to VOTA's site* Now I hear "Hard to Believe!" :D :D
I smell: nothin'. I'm stuffed up.
I crave: clear sinuses
I search: for someone who can dissect Swampie's hard drive.
I wonder: when I'll meet some of my intranet friends. :(
I regret: buying songs on iTunes that I didn't need to buy. XD :(
I love: aaalllll my friends and God. Even Rusty, on occasion. XD
I am not: about to renounce my faith
I believe: in God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit.
I dance: alone, in the moonlight. "He sees you dancin' in the moonlight." :D
I sing: random songs when I'm relatively alone.
I cry: nearly all da time.
I don't always: cry with a reason. Or with sadness.
I fight: secular moosic.
I write: about a certain blond-haired boy... ;)
I win: when it comes to nb trivia
I lose: at sports. XD
I never: curse.
I always: try to love.
I confuse: just about everyone. It's fuuuun.
I listen: to lotsa bands. :D
I can usually be found: in my room, or on my ma's school bus. Both places usually have my laptop close by. XD
I am scared: of losing my friends.
I need: uno momento XD (reference to tMac)
I am happy about: VOTA's kewl song.
I imagine: a certain blond-haired boy with a certain man who shaves his head and puts on "guyliner."




Anonymous said...

I take it that the certain blonde hair boy is Sylvie, right?


Brittany November said...

I was told to ask you why Soul Skittles was dying :p

netsirK said...

Elmo is slightly disturbing... all puppetish things are. O.O

This was a fun taggy thing. YAY OWAN!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Th-that wwas ammusing...uh....