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03 November 2008

The Priests

Hai again, peeps.

On a side note... I must ask if y'all like my new bloggy layout. I don't particularly like it all that much, but at least I tried!

Okay, now on to the main topic.

is pure gold. Hilarious pastor mix-ups. :D
But the part I wanna blog about is THIS part here:

While studying the intricate dress of the priests in the Old Testament, the preacher came to the part that describes how the priests put bells on the bottom of their robes. He asked, "Why do you suppose the priests had to tinkle." After a second of silence, the class broke up with laughter.

When I first saw this, I broke up in laughter. I was laughing so hard, I was tearing up!!

What do y'all think?



Anonymous said...

Haha! That's funny!
Um, maybe since you don't like it you could change it?? It's hard to read because it's different colors, and I still feel like he's watching me. *Shifts nervously* LOL!

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Did I say already that I likes it? :D

Anonymous said...

*Sigh!* Much better! LOL!Your blog looks so fast now! LOL!