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17 November 2008


I got this idea from Jungle Mom. ;) I have to take it on!


1) I HAVE AUTISM. Yes. Well, what is autism? Well, that's a toughie. I've never been able to describe it very well. I usually refer to it as being a "certified weirdo." I have papers! Telling people I'm socially awkward! Which is why I love the intranet. :P :D

2) I am not JUST a newsboys fan! Nope. SURELY, you have noticed! XD I'm a big fan of Jars of Clay, tMac, Audio Adrenaline, tobyMac, Skillet (PANHEADS FOREVER, netsirK!!!), Family Force 5... really, I'm all over the place. From sounds soft like the late Rich Mullins... to FF5... what a jump. :P

3) I AM a spoiled brat! I'm DEAD serious! I get EVERYTHING I want. 5 iPods. A CAR. 2 laptops. Nearly EVERY nb album and/or song ever released. I AM SPOILED, I ADMIT. If you don't believe me, that's because I don't like to show it. Hannah is testament to this; I can't stand being this way. I feel useless in terms of Christianity when this feeling is at its worst. There is a song on my playlist that takes jabs at people like me... "Deconstructing Venus." It's by Kevin Max. Listen to it! :P

4) I actually LOVE math. So stone me! I passed Algebra I with flying colors!! I have a light blue graphing calculator (that I wanted for my birthday last year! Talk about being a nerd). Oh, yes. Believe it.

5) Those who know me in real life know that you don't talk to me if I have earbuds in my ears. If I have earbuds in my ears, I can't hear a THING beyond what's playing in the earbuds. If you talk to me, I wouldn't know it. You'd have to scream in order for me to hear you... :P :P

6) I nearly DIED when I was born. Yes. I think I still have a spot on my forehead (that's always covered by bangs) where they had to stick a catheder (SP?!) in my head. See, my umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck. I couldn't breathe. They tried to stick the catheder in my arms or legs... somehow, I pulled it out (don't ask me how!) As a result -- I had it in the corner of my forehead! And the first month of my life... I kept having seizures. Yeah, my first three years were R-O-U-G-H.

7) I have ALWAYS been a redhead. Never have I had any color in my hair other than red. This is the way it's been since I was born. My mother didn't believe it; how the name and hair matched! XD XD

Soul Skittles

Go forth, friends!



CrimeSceneFairy said...

Oh hurrah I been tagged! Remind me to post that tomorrow.

netsirK said...

I almost died when I was a little baby too. We should swap stories sometime!

I'll try to do mine tonight.