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15 November 2008

The answers

Alright. Here are the answers to THIS one. And no more. At least not for a while. :P

Ms Soul Skittles already knows these (I sent her the answers), and now it's time for y'all to know!

1. "Rebirthing" -- Skillet

2. "Trouble Is" -- Jars of Clay

3. "Radiator" -- Family Force 5

4. "Dive" -- Steven Curtis Chapman

5. "Sea of Faces" -- Kutless. Wow, I didn't think this one was all that hard. :P

6. "Catchafire" -- tobyMac

7. "Sunny Days" -- Jars of Clay

8. "In Christ Alone" -- nb edition (it was a cover. XD). Poor Owan. :P

9. "Song of Hope" -- Robbie Seay Band. netsirK, this song was in YOUR game, too! *gasp*

10. "Flood" -- Jars of Clay

11. "Everything You Ever Wanted" -- Hawk Nelson

12. "Mood Rings" -- Relient K

13. "Fly" -- Jars of Clay

14. "Hands and Feet" -- Audio Adrenaline. Wow, I stumped y'all on this one, too. XD

15. "Lord of the Dance" -- Steven Curtis Chapman. Here's the artist, netsirK. XD

16. "Between You and Me" -- dc Talk

17. "More than Useless" -- Relient K

18. "The More" -- Downhere

19. "Love Song for a Savior" -- Jars of Clay

20. "Remembering You" -- Steven Curtis Chapman

21. "Divine Romance" -- Phil Wickham

22. "Say the Words" -- dc Talk

23. "Goodbye" -- Audio Adrenaline

24. "Love Addict" -- Family Force 5

25. "Kountry Gentleman" -- Family Force 5

Here ya are! ;)


1 comment:

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Yay no morez!! :D :D
I mean eh um.....
Guess what? The bass guitar player of Downhere commented on my blog. :P He didn't comment on your blog!