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30 November 2008

*moment of silence*

Yesterday would've been Sarah's 15th birthday. Therefore, we must have a moment of silence.


Swampie, as y'all know, is kaput. :( BUT! The people at a local Staples store might be able to help me extract my stuff... hopefully. :D

And, uh, I think I'm sick. I don't know what with. Some say cold, some say seasonal asthma (I DON'T have asthma), and some say bronchitus. I say it's naaaasty. And annoying. I can't stop coughing!!!! >:( Hateful piece 'o junk.

And that's enough ranting for right now.


28 November 2008


Hey -- Jess did something cool for me. :) CLICK HERE FOR IT!

Dude, isn't that sweet? I love it.

And in case you're wondering, I was watching Monk. Squee! Katie and Jayde might make me a fan yet. :D

And Katie's made me a fan of "My Last Amen," finally. :)

And, uh... I has a dilemma.

I'm trying to name my new laptop.
And the name has to be nb-related.

Therefore, I'm down to two -- Oinch (Jeff's nickname; no one knows WHAT the heck it means) and Dude (one of Peter's nicknames... he doesn't have many. :P)

This new laptop.... the keyboard half has many shades of gray. The keyboard can be less-than-reliable, but it's gotten better. The battery lasts for around an hour before it needs to go back on a charger. The screen half is black and has a cool square Q for a logo. :P That's cuz it's a Compaq. :P
And it's fast. I can't get GIMP to load on it. >:( But all the other stuff I had on Swampie works fine on here. Skype, Firefox, iTunes... it's all good. Except for GIMP. It keeps locking up. >:(

Any help?


Happy [Belated] Thanksgiving!!!

Hai, peeps.
I did not blog yesterday. :P :P

So... Soul Skittles was right about my ringtone. :D I should get you something... Hm...

Well, I have an update on Swampie.
Swampie's dead. No more. *sniff* He might've been annoying, but he had some valuable things on his hard drive! :'( Oh, well.

All my pretty pictures... all my Wordpad documents... my iTunes... gggoooooone...

But something made up for it.
Something cool. :D

Well first off, my grandmother loaned me her laptop until I got a better PC laptop or Helmet got up and running. I'm not sure which will happen first!
Then my aunt (who was here from California, but she went back) gave me $20. :D So we went out and I bought me an iTunes gift card.

See, until I have a better laptop, I'm using this one for my iTunes. *squee*

So, yah.


26 November 2008

Facebook Photos

Do y'all remember THIS blog?

We-e-ell. I has more. :D If it's cut off (and I KNOW some of them are), try clicking the pic.

I have a lot more, but I'll post 'em at a later date. The last one made Verja LOL literally. XD



Well... last night was delightful (NOT!).

I try to get on my Dad's computer... after like 10 minutes, all of a sudden... I can't get into Gmail. >:( And if that isn't bad enough, Facebook chat decides it wants to act up, too, and so I get fed up (what else do you want me to do? I can't talk to anybody! :P) and just give up.

UPDATE ON SWAMPIE... my aunt can't fix him on her own. :( But she does have a friend (presumably in California. :P) who might be able to help me out.
Meanwhile, I noticed that Swampie's battery was not only still working, it was dying. >:) So I let him die. >:D Maybe it'll help, who knows.

I'm just glad I can still update Twitter from my cellphone.

Speaking of my cellphone...

I bought [another] ringtone the other day. Whenever someone calls me... the song plays!

What's the song?


1. It's by Skillet
2. The full song is in my playlist. ;)


25 November 2008

The Day We Had Last Night

Wow, what a time we had last night.

Well, let's see. One of the other bus peoples left us three high school girls who live at Kure Beach (you know I live near the beach, right?), because she was frustrated and well, it's L-A-T-E. Right now, at 5:30 PM, it's already pitch dark.
As we dropped our last student, (Rachael, who was present when Speedster died on us) we headed right for the beach, and our night supervisor, a GUY named Stacey Greene (insert demeaning joke here) kept calling us and calling us OVER and OVER again as we got back on the main road heading to the beach.
So, we get to Snow's Cut bridge (boundary between Wilmington and Carolina and Kure beaches... not to mention Fort Fisher) and the place is ready for the holidays. :P :P Lights! All over! It's a pretty sight, I should get photos. :P
Anyway. Back to my fascinating story.
One of the girls was saying how her mother was really, really mad at her, that she had even got the cops involved. And that doesn't end up going 100%. :P
So we go nearly all the way to Fort Fisher aquarium (which is basically where the road ends; everything beyond the aquarium is beach and ocean), turn around when we realize we'd gone too far (by this time, this girl's freaking out and Ma's getting frustrated too). I immediately ask God to end this wild goose chase.
So later, we go back up the road, and a cop passes us. He turns his lights on. He turns around. We pull over. He pulls over in front of us, comes on the bus, takes the girl off the bus and after a few minutes of conversation... we go on with the other two girls, who have been here a lot longer than her peer... she moved here two days ago!!
So we get the other two girls where they need to go (after Ma comments that had the other girl not mention the cops' involvement, she'd be freaking out. :P), we go down the road and order pizza (SHH! That's confidential), and we quickly head back over Snow's Cut, back to the bus lot and park Frostbite (who logged over 100 miles travel yesterday. XD), get pizza, go home. I think we got home about 7-7:30 PM last night. We usually get there an hour earlier. :P

Fascinating, huh?


24 November 2008


I'm still annoyed.
Swampie still won't start. I have my iTunes on him... what am I supposed to do? Go back to using my mother's computer? >:( I don't think so!

I'm just glad Hannah's sending me parts for Helmet. Yes, he'll FINALLY get a battery! I'm sure of it this time. Hopefully, it'll get through New Zealand customs. We're really hoping it gets through.

I have people watching me type this... GAH.

Do I have a bright side here?
Oh, yeah, Helmet.
If all goes well, I should get the parts by Christmas! Squee!


Alright, I'm done.


23 November 2008

MORE Laptop Blues

Oh, hai.
If you want happiness, see the blog below this one (if you haven't already). You will likely see happiness at the end of this one, but for right now, happiness has taken "a taxi to the underground" (Jars of Clay reference. XD).

So, Soul Skittles sends me an FF5 song over email, first off. It downloads off Firefox just fine. But suddenly, Windows Media Center arises. Oh, that program is ANNOYING. I try to get out of it... I have no cursor! >:( I use the Vulcan Salute (CTRL-ALT-DEL) over and over again, NOTHING.
Now, here's where I think the problem comes. I pounded on Swampie's keyboard (again), and I turn him off. No big deal, right?

So I thought, too.

I try to turn him back on. There is only ONE THING that comes on when I press Swampie's power button, and that's the little blue "on" light. NOTHING ELSE COMES ON. I'm not 100% sure WHAT the heck I did, but now Swampie just WON'T START.

Last time I went like this, it was because the battery was out of place. This time, the situation's worse.
I honestly don't know what to do. I had a story I was working on, and now I can't get Swampie on!! >:(

Help... me...


Oh, and click here for a bright side. :P

Serious Fun

Oh, hai.
Guess what I'm gonna talk about?

That's right! That CD Hannah gave me. :D

It has the BEST song ever on it. It's hilarious!
Who's a big boy? Me, me, I'm a big boy!
Now I'm wondering if Paul feels the same about this song as Peter does about the first three newsboys albums. Hmm...

Remember the video I talked about HERE? And how I said I wanted the song that played in the background?
Well, I have it now. :D So do netsirK and Soul Skittles. I sent 'em the song, which I JUST found out that I could do.

Now that I have the full song, I gotta say, the chorus (not to mention the way it's sung) is very catchy:

No more lies and no manipulation (the last chorus, they mispronounce "manupulation." Or should I say, "manipoolation" XD)
No more avoiding all responsibilities
Well you know it's time
That you change the situation
'Cause we all wanna sleep tonight.

So what is the song about?

Well, it takes a jab at "our" generation. The kids (and adults alike) who are spoiled, have everything waiting on them hand and foot, don't know what it is to put in a "hard day's work." Won't take responstibility for anything they do... you get the idea. It makes fun of them. And it's truly the funniest thing.

So, yeah! Kewl song! Even Pauly agrees!



21 November 2008

Radiator UNCUT

Hey. Here it is. All 65 screenshots!!!

Here it is -- da TITLE!
The Fivers arise. How kewl be this??
Crouton's uber-pretty drumsticks, ushering the song into full swing.
Here's the ape-y Soul Glow agin. XD
No!! Not the valiant Nafather, too! I hope his sidekick Chappy hasn't fallen victim, too...

He's been brainwash. Why?!?!

Mr. Ape-y Ape-y

Now, I gotta correct some misheard lyrics here -- "Radiate LIGHT'S transparency!" That's better.
Hmm. One of my classmates (That Sweet Guy -- what, you didn't know he's my classmate? -- seems to know FF5, much to my surprise) tells me this is Phatty. What do y'all think?
Gotta love Chappy's spirit. Good thing he hasn't been brainwashed yet! XD
Scream it, Solli!

Pretty drumkit again... *drools* XD

"Hey! You!"
Mr. Solli action figure gone nutty.

I can just see him thinking, "Wow. Shiiiinyyy..." XD
Solli, evolution has been disproven. You can stop trying to impress the scientists now.
Nice tongue there, SG.
Looks he got hit in the place where NO guy wants to get hit. I shouldn't have to explain that any more. :P

Having a bad hair day, SGA?
NOO! Don't go all Jeffy on me, Solli! Wake up!
SG, I told you, evolution has been disproven! Quit going ape for the scientists! Ugh...
There ya go! Use those lungies! XD
OH NO! Don't tell me Solli's a BORG?!?!?! *blushes for letting Trekkieness show*
There's that tongue again.
"Oh, yay! You made it!"
"Let me pinch those cheeks!"
Ugh, why do I even bother trying to tell him to stop doing that? Solli... *facepalm*
Blurry set. Don't worry, you'll see a better photo in a minute.
Nice lower lip, mate. And nostrils. XD
Okay, I'm sorry for forcing you to quit acting ape... sheesh... no need to get all mad...
Hit that drum, Crouton! Bad drummy! BAD!
See? A better shot of the set. :P Is that Phatty? I didn't think he existed in this video. :P
Ohh, poor Soul Glow. Did your little brother Phatty beat you up again?
Oh, good, Nadaddy's back. He looks disheveled. But his buddy Crouton is hard at work behind him. :D
But I already have so MANY photos of you! ... yes, I know you're in the middle... no need to rub it in... *grumble*
Chapstique rockin' out that nice hair of his.
Soul Glow's trying to pull a Jeff on us again. Stay awake, Solli, you've almost made it.
Aww, thanks, Solli. Glad you finally forgive meh. XD
What did I do now?? Why are you pointing at me??
Oh, you're just mad at the mic, okay... glad it isn't me again...
Still rockin' out there, Chappy?
Spin that midget keyboard, Nadaddy! XD
Nice fingers, Solli. I'm glad ONE of us can snap his fingers...
Ooohhh... shiny drummies, Crouton... :D *drools again*
Solli + microphone = bliss. XD
Oh, good crap, he's fainting on us. Don't do it, Solli! Think of your fans!
He's only shocked because I pushed him so he's falling the opposite way. Pull yourself together, SGA!
Oh, gotcha. Okay, I'll quit taunting you.
What? I said I'd quit!! Don't-- *gag*
*gasp* *breathe* I forgive you, SG.
What are you doing? Solli? Solli? Don't fling that at me!
Duck, Nadaddy! SGA is playing all mad!
Skipping along, Chappy? This guy is so much fun.
WHOA! When did you brush your teeth last, Solli? *holds nose* (He did this about 3 times. :P)
Whoops! I'm sorry, Solli! I didn't mean on to hit your nose! *whimper*
I know it hurts, mate. I said I was sorry! :(
*pats SG's shoulder* It'll be fine, mate. If nothing else, you can pound the poop outta Crouton to cheer yourself up. XD
Now, I didn't say go emo on me... this from the guy who said "YAY DEATH TO EMO!!" Yeah, he really said that!
Chapstique still rockin'.
That's it, SGA. Let it all out. XD
Nice teeth. Gonna bite your mic?
Uh-oh. Poor dude hit his head on the camera. :P Wasn't me this time, Solli!

:O :O
Okay, ew. Solli, do you even know where that's been?? :X

And since I probably won't blog until tomorrow night, I lay this out...

Happy birthday, Soul Skittles. Here be my present to youz.