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14 August 2008

Snarl Snarl...

My internet went kablooey for a good 2 hours. >=[

I can't stand it. AT ALL.

Humph. At least it works now. *pouts*


I'm at a loss... howzabout...

Ooh! Ooh! I know! I'll pull the exact same stunt I did on my second blog, but instead of doing it to Nonohoicha, I do it to Verja. Hahahaha. And note: when I do this, it's actually meant to be an indirect form of flattery. Think of it as a compliment. :p
I saw this Verja blog, and my brain hatched this:


1. There is only one thing on your Christmas list: a black designer cowboy hat.
2. Half of the clothes you usually wear are of SOME shade of black.
3. You find yourself in Starbucks, looking for Paul.
4. (FOR CA PEEPS ONLY) You wander into your local In-N-Out just to search for Duncan.
5. You're bored and the only thing you want to do is draw your favorite newsboy.
6. You try to learn the indie version of "Shine" by watching the Go DVD over and over again.
7. You can recite each and every line of any given nb podcast. Especially if they feature your favorite newsboy.
8. Whenever you shop, you tend to look for either vegemite or Dolce&Gabbana cologne, depending on what type of shop you're currently at.
9. Back in '03/'04, you were at the nb website, reloading OVER and OVER, waiting for "Presence" to premiere.
10. You spend your spare time looking for ANY funny nb photos to caption.
11. You can think of a great addition to this list.

And an added bonus: one of my favorite captioned photos! Or two, rather; it's a two parter:

That's Pete, believe it or not, back in 1991.
Scary time for the nb.
Those two pics were during a music video of "Taste And See." I think me and Steph are two of an extremely tiny group of nb fans who actually LIKE this song. But I do. Peter was pretty good at rapping back then. XD

That be it.



netsirK said...

That's Pete?! lol.

I match up with almost all the criteria! 'Cept 9. I wasn't the nb fan then that I am today.
Plus, I had hardly any knowledge of the internet at that time.
Poor me.

CrimeSceneFairy said...


*AHEM* excuse me.

1. There is only one thing on your Christmas list: a black designer cowboy hat. GOOD IDEA! xD
2. Half of the clothes you usually wear are of SOME shade of black. No.
3. You find yourself in Starbucks, looking for Paul. I have thought about it. Unfortunately we have no starbucks.
4. (FOR CA PEEPS ONLY) You wander into your local In-N-Out just to search for Duncan. I'm not a CA peep. Whatever that is lol!
5. You're bored and the only thing you want to do is draw your favorite newsboy. NOOO! I dont want to ruin their beauty!!
6. You try to learn the indie version of "Shine" by watching the Go DVD over and over again. I HAVE DONE THAT! Sorta
7. You can recite each and every line of any given nb podcast. Especially if they feature your favorite newsboy. I don't watch the podcast. :(
8. Whenever you shop, you tend to look for either vegemite or Dolce&Gabbana cologne, depending on what type of shop you're currently at. Ew Vegemite, what does cologne have to do with it
9. Back in '03/'04, you were at the nb website, reloading OVER and OVER, waiting for "Presence" to premiere. I'm totally with netsirk. I think I liked some of the songs on the greatest hits CD back then, but the only thing I knew about the internet was that my parents had an email address.
10. You spend your spare time looking for ANY funny nb photos to caption. xD If google images would work, yes.
11. You can think of a great addition to this list. UM....
You...uh...uh...uh...nope cant think of anything.

WOULD YOU mind taking this dumb word verification off?? I hate thems!! :\ :]

Anonymous said...

You should add one more...

When you set your alarm to the song, "Something Beautiful". It's a really nice way of getting up. :D

CrimeSceneFairy said...

HEY BLUEY!!!!!!!!!!!

I found something to add!
When/If you watch the Olympics, you root for Australia. xD