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01 August 2008

Princess... the Cat

Alright... I left a comment on the blog belonging to Nonohoicha, the gal formerly known as Phika (XD) that said my next blog would be about my cat... so, I shall!

Let's go ahead and get something straight: I have FOUR cats... one is Siamese, the other three are tabbies. Variations of tabbies. A black tabby, a brown tabby, and a yellow tabby. The one I'm speaking of is the BROWN tabby.

We found her at, of all places, a YARD SALE. Where everything was FREE. She was sitting in a cage with two siblings, and she was the sickly runt... I think. She was also semi-wild. And she went to great lengths to make sure we knew that.
Hence her first name... "Hissy." Poor cat had to live with that name for a very long time. We eventually moved her from a small HAMSTER cage... to a bigger RABBIT cage, as she got bigger. And I was always the one who let her out to explore. So she started warming up to me. I liked that. :)

We recently renamed her "Princess," and that what she's been known as ever since. Better than her old name.

She is, quite simply, MY cat. She likes me a lot... inside the house, she's the only one that will allow me to come anywhere close to her. She turns into a purr motor when I take her into my room... she likes it there. Not really sure why.
Perhaps it's because my dog really likes her. My older dog, Joey (I'll be sure to blog his story at a later date) warmed up to her as well... being that he's waging an all-out WAR against fleas, he grooms her almost every time they encounter each other. I like that, too. So they are MY dog and MY cat. Yes, it seems selfish, but it wasn't my choice... I just love animals.

So, yeah. That's Princess.


1 comment:

netsirK said...

Ah, cute cat! My cousins used to have a cat named Princess... when we were really little and stupid we would play vet with her. Poor cat.

I am a TOTAL cat freak... me thinks I'll have to blog about my darling soon.