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13 August 2008


That was a totally random blog title. Haha. :p

*ahem* Anyways... hmm...
Cuz I have nothing better to do, I present to you this little quizzy...
ps... thanks, Jayde!

What is your full name? Scarlett Paloma Hatcher.
Where were you born? Wilmington, NC.
Where would you like to go for vacation? Aussie.
Do you have pets? Yes. Lots.

What color is your hair? Red.
What color are your eyes? Either blue, hazel, or green, depending on outfit.
What is your favorite color? Red and Black.
Who is the youngest kid in your family? My 6 year old little sister.

What is your favorite thing to do? Spend time alone, singing out to God.
What is your favorite game? Game?
When do I put on make-up? NEVER!
What kinds of clothes do I wear? Black shirts, usually advertising my fave band, jeans, and my black Soho croc-lookalikes. But occasionally, I fight my own stereotype.

What outfit do you usually wear when out and about? Refer to above.
What is your favorite song? No favorites. That GREATLY depends on my mood.
What bad habit do you have? Must I answer?
Can you speak two languages fluently? No. I wish.

Are you a Christian? Yes. I wish I was a better one.
Are you a grouchy person? Not usually.
What ONE word describes you best? Hyper.
What once-in-a-lifetime opportunity have you gotten to do? Meet the nb. Well, when I meet Peter, THAT will be that once-in-a-lifetime moment.

Who do you write most in e-mails? Jess. Kristen. Katie. Nikki. Lizzie.
Do you write Christmas cards or send Christmas e-cards? No.
What countries have you lived in? US. I wish I could visit Oceania.
On a rainy day, what do you usually do? I'd run out and dance in the rain, especially if it is a downpour. If it's a thunderstorm, however, I stay inside and watch the light show. XD

What things annoy you? Interruptions. Cursing. Being ignored. Awkward situations of ANY kind, etc.
What things calm you down? Slow, soft nb songs. My own tears, half the time.
What summer job should you do, based on your talents? I dunno. I really don't.
What is your favorite Bible verse? Matthew 5:16; Isaiah 40:28-31; Isaiah 52:13-53:5; Luke 15:7, 11-32

What is your favorite season? Fall.
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.
Do you like to swim? I like being in water. But I can't swim.
Do you like to take pictures? Sure. Why not?

Do you like to shop? Not really.
How old am you? I turn 14 in September.
What is you favorite animal? Wolves.
Do you play any instruments? Not as of yet. I want to learn the drums from the master.




netsirK said...

Cool quiz!

Maybe sometime I'll use it to blog... as long as you don't copyright me. (deja vu)

CrimeSceneFairy said...

OH! OH! OH! I'ma blog that tomorrow! If I remember! Yay!

Jayde said...

So people like the little quizzy I created I take it?

Blueh said...

Lol, yah! XD I'm weird that way. :p