Oh, hai.
As everyone can clearly see, I'm home. :) Better internet... able to watch video... :P Yeah, you get the idea.
And... WE have a little surprise for you. :) And I bet you're wondering who I'm referring to as to we. :)
In case you don't notice the other face, Smitty hath joined me until the 3rd of July. :D How happy am I?! ;) :D
This helps out, considering Saturday night wasn't a fun transition for me. Go figure.
And yes, things will happen. :D
Whether or not we'll tell you everything remains to be seen. ;)
And now, the other topic I was hoping to blog about - last Sunday's concert! ;) The newsboys concert.
First of all, we arrived to the venue (again; we had left and then returned) around 5:30-6:00 PM. Then we wasted a good hour before making our way near the stage and grabbing a grassy spot (no proper chairs here unless you had $10 you wanted to spend on a chair you couldn't take home).
In this time, I also managed to grab my beanie hat. Y'know, the beanie?
Yeahh, the beanie hat. Isn't it... Skillet-like? :P
*ahem* Anyway...
The nb were supposed to be on at 7:00.
They didn't finally appear until nearly 7:40.
And when they did come out, all four of them stood center stage, and Duncan grabbed the mic, and introduced to us the infamous Michael Tait.
Whoop, whoop.
Behold: A very BAD photo of the stage.
That's what you get from a phone. :P But you gotta admit, the effects are still cool.
And note - we WERE sitting on the ground, no chairs, just ground.
And most of us were standing. ;)
And this set... well, the first song they played was Something Beautiful.
What was fun was, Jody's mic was kinda low and we couldn't hear his unique angel voice. So Ben-O (that's the spiky orange-haired Aussie techie of kewl that can be seen before they come on testing various things) came out and fixed it, and Jody's mic overpowered Tait's.
:D :P
Then they went on to Wherever We Go and I noticed how Tait was skipping words and occasionally whole verses. :P
And if I remember correctly, they went on to The Way We Roll (that was messed up slightly - they said the second prechorus twice).
Aaaaaand I can't remember the song(s) between that one and In The Hands of God... or was that Glorious?
This is what happens when I procrastinate concert reviews - I forget the setlist.

The B-Stage!
Notice there is a lack of Tait... ;)
I apologize, Skittles, but this is mainly to satisfy the people whom are not-so-satisfied with Tait.
There, are you happy? :P

A somewhat better photo of the B-Stage, still lacking a Tait. My apologies, Skittles.
They played Not Ashamed, Shine, Colored People, My Will, Amazing Love, and lastly, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.
And if you look closely, you'll see Duncan slightly hunched over something... that'd be Peter's Toys-R-Us drumkit. ;) That's what's become of it, apparently.
Oh! And the best part of that particular part of the set... Jody was slowly twisting himself to say hi to the people.
And I carefully timed myself so that when his body faced me, I'd throw my hands straight up and bounce. Bounce.
And sure enough, he noticed! And he grinned! That makes Peter AND Jody that this happened to me with! Squee!
Continuing on...
So they carefully filtered back to the main stage. First Jody and Duncan, then Jeff, and after he finished the last mini-song, Tait.
And he didn't even preach at that particular part. :)
I can't remember all of the songs they played after that. I remember right after all four reassembled on the mainstage, they played In The Light... yeah, exactly.
And I think that was when they played Glorious, but I'm still not sure.
But I definitely remembered playing Breakfast! And it was cool, considering their visual effects during that song included fire... ;) ;)
And then, they played Dance. Apparently, Tait pulled the same thing he did on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame DVD with Fad of the Land with Dance - he had to have lyrics.
Of course, halfway through the song, he threw the lyrics into the audience... unlike the RRHOF thing...
And then there was I Am Free.
That was where Tait threw the faux pas at us.
See, he said the same thing Pete did whenever that song began, which was supposed to mean that was the last song in the set...
So at the end of the song, we turned and went into the meetandgreet line...
And the concert continued! :O
They played Jesus Freak, then It Is You...
Meanwhile... I saw this one kid in line with one the hats I saw at the nb merch table when I bought the $20 beanie. I saw the back and went EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There ya go!
Signatures on the baaaaack!
Then I realized I collectively had only $12 left on me. So I asked my mother for eight of the ten dollars that she previously owed me and I bolted down to get a copy of the hat.
And that's how you clean your bank account! ;)
Then the set finally died and by now, the line had grown longer.
We waited another thirty minutes, it must have been, before we heard the screams that symbolized the nb had made their appearance.
For one hour.
So the line moved. And it moved quickly.
We finally got close, with my mother in front of me this time around (she was behind me at the Kingsfest M&G). Duncan was first... he noticed her shirt (a SUTTM shirt), and he immediately said "That's from Take Me To Your Leader."
>:) Silly Dunny.
Brush up on your history before you blurt! XD
So I sat up on the table as he signed the nb shirt on my back.
And he had it EASY.
For Jeff, I made him sign the beanie hat.
Number one, the beanie is plush, soft, and number two, it's already black.
That all equals not only a tough time finding a place to sign, but quite the impression... or lack thereof.
Not much chat with him this time around, sadly. :P
Then Jody. Again, not much chat as I made him sign the last-minute-bought cap.
At least I managed to tell him I loved his voice. Whoo! And since the cap his harder, more of an impression.
And finally, Tait. I made him sign the cap, too.
Meanwhile, we were telling him how we had the choice between going Father's Day week, or that next week, where my mother wanted to see tobyMac.
And we chose them... which entertained Tait to no end... or at least enough to earn me a high-five and a fist-bump. >:)
And for those of you that are still accepting Tait, think of it this way - those hands TOUCHED Peter's. ;) Get it?
And thus was our adventure, and what has juuuuust happened.
Any questions?