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24 November 2009

Answers! :)

All the people that I wanted to participate... did so. :)

And thus... answers!
And since we all know the band, I shall tell you the title and the album it comes off. :)

1. "Earth Invasion," Alien Youth.
Only Smitty gained this one. I wasn't surprised, for certain reasons... ;)

2. "Sometimes," Awake.
One off the new album! I expected netsirK to get this one. :)

3. Title Track, Hey You, I Love Your Soul.
I didn't expect too many to get this one, or any off Hey You. But Smitty, of course I did.

4. "Promise Blender," Skillet.
Smitty came close. I'll give it to her. :)

5. "Energy," Collide.
This is one I pretty much expected all to get... :D As it is newer but not as new as Awake.

6. "Best Kept Secret," Invincible.
Very good! Most of you gotz it rite!

7. "The Older I Get," Comatoes - I mean Comatose.
I thought this would be a freebie. Everyone has this CD.

8. "A Little More," Collide
Again, very good!

9. "Coming Down," Hey You, I Love Your Soul.
I highly suggest checking out this song, at least in a clip. It's beautiful!

10. "Believe," Awake.
Another one I expected netsirK to get. :)

11. "The Thirst Is Taking Over," Alien Youth.
No one got this one! :O Amazing! Those lines were actually my favorite of the whole song.

12. "I Can," Skillet.
Smitty got this one. :) I expected as much.

13. "Locked In A Cage," Hey You, I Love Your Soul.
Another one I expected Smitty to get.

14. "Come On To The Future," Invincible.
My latest song. :) Smitty, of course, got it.

15. "Dead Inside," Awake.
And apparently, netsirK did not get the expanded version of the latest album. I can't help but wonder how Smitty, got it, though... ;)

And viola. Fin.

Questions? Comments? Challenging arguments?


21 November 2009

Skillet Game!

You know that game-shuffle thing, where we list lyrics and you guess the song?
It's the Skillet edition of this game!
Prepare yourselfs. ;)
15 songs... ;)

1. And where will you run? Come with us if you want to live.

2. I want someone to hurt, like the way I hurt.

3. I'm gonna love when you hate.

4. On the road to faithfulness, I sometimes forget your name.

5. And I'm surrounded. You overpower me...

6. You're the evidence that demands our belief.

7. I was sitting there, waiting in my room, for you...

8. Don't suffocate day after day, it's building up.

9. I saw peace on a white horse riding.

10. You thought you knew the truth, but you're wrong.

11. I want to taste it, I need to taste it...

12. Can the grace of God cover me this time?

13. Keep the hammer out of my reach.

14. Can you feel it? Unstoppable power.

15. Put Your mouth on mine, and bring me back to life.

Happy guessing! I purposely made this difficult. :)


19 November 2009


So... I has a tag. :) Yay. Happinesses.
Nao, then...

Do you like to write?
Well, yes. Just check my dear Jon Micah (my flashdrive of choice)

Favourite Books?
Tooo many. :)

Do you compose music/write songs?
Alas, no. I'm inept at poetry, which is very nearly exactly the same as a song. :)

Do you like Poetry?
Actually, yes. Poetry is a magnificent way of expressing oneself...
*shields self from veggies of doom* Tomatoes were once considered to be poisonous!

Loved someone so much who made you cry?
Ohhhh, yes.

Broken a bone?
No, praise God.

Been in a police car?
See previous thing thing.

Been on a boat?
Yes. :D

Fallen asleep at school?
I think so...

Did you sing today?
Yes. :D :D

KFC, Popeyes or Church's?
Chick-Fil-A. I'm sorry, but it was founded by a Christian.

*conveniently deletes next question*

Starbucks or McCafe?
No thanks.

What's your favourite time of year?

Do you ever talk to yourself?
All the time. *takes Geetargirl'z answer*

Do you have a favourite treat you like to buy on occasions?

Do you believe the Bible is the literal word of God and is infallible?
Of course I do.

What's your favourite sport?
Sport? What is this "sport" of which you speak? XP

What colour is your iPod?
Black & Silver.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Ummmm....I have to pick just one place? *takes Geetargirl'z answer agin*

*furiously erases next question with second-rate eraser*

Do you love to write or do you just like writing? Or do you write at all?
You already asked me that, but yes. I write all the time.

What do you want to be when you a grown-up?
Who said I wanted to grow up?

Favourite animal?

Favourite Song?
That changes a lot, buuut my current one is "Rippin' Me Off" by Skillet.

Do you like school?
Yes and no.

Are you a people person? Because I'm getting the idea that you are!
*gasps* *babbles* *runs away* *flails arms*

Do you like to talk?
Only to those whom I know well.

Favourite food?
Pizza. So customizable.

Tooo many.

Favourite Author?
I dunnoz.

*crumples up next two questions*

Do you like Hannah Montana and all those girly people and movies like high school musical?
See the people person question.

What are you scared of?

*sics flamethrower on next question*

Colour of your eyes?
Random, but hazael.

Sankyoo for yo' time.

14 November 2009

Hey... you...

We interrupt this Saturday to bring to you all a Skillet report.

Today, I bought a CD of theirs.

Hey... You. I love your soul.
Tell me if you has the CD, or any tracks from it, and if you like em. So far, it sounds kinda like their debut in terms of Coopah's vocals, but the sound otherwise is really... downright cool.

And then the other Skillet-related mention.
I was digging into JfH's contest archives.
I went into ol' DiBiase's very first mention of a Skillet Concert (FallOut 2003... he sounded very piteous of himself, but you'll have to read it yourselves to see that)... and there was this one mention that I found insanely funny...

"To pump the fans up, they opened with their rousing 'Kill Me Heal' from their 2001 Alien Youth record, followed by 'Best Kept Secret' from their 2000 release Invincible. And while he would hate me for even mentioning this, it was actually borderline cool to watch guitarist Ben Kasica miss his guitar solo cue which lead Cooper to halt the song and insist it be done right as he admitted "This is my favorite part of the song!" before belting out the lyrics 'Let it out!'"

It was funny! You have to admit!

Has a good Saturday.
We now return you to it.


05 November 2009


I has not blogg-ed in a while.
I shall blog some flair, then. :)
Complete with captions! For some of them, anyway.


Not as funny as the "I Got Your Back" one, but I still like it. :)

Random = YES!

So twue... :(
And yet so sweet. :)

*sniff* that poor cat! ;)

DUTBT Reference! YAY!

MORE DUTBT REFERENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, please! *holds out bogus Windows laptop*

My absolute favorite pun. :)

That poor bacon! Who dyed it blue?!



10 October 2009

A photo

To contemplate.

Read it. Contemplate it.
Meanwhile, I shall admire Torquie, drive him and play Falling Up really, really loud in his speakerz.

Good day to you.
Even the dog haters whom I do not understand
*You know who ye are*


03 October 2009


I should blog more. :)
Soo... I hassa tag to do... :)

Teevee or mobie characters you can relate to...
Uhhhh... uhhhhh... uhhhh... uhhh...

ADAM SAVAGE! Yeah, that's it.
Oh, wait.
He's not a character.
AH, WHO CAERS?! He's on TB, isn't he?
I mean TV. :)

DUO: Three places on mah travel list.
NZ, no der.

That's actually South Island, but you get the idea. :)

And also, Aussie.
Port Noarlunga, yay!

Aaaand finally, Hertford, NC

Cuz that's where Daddy lives. :D

TRES: Hit "Shuffle" on mah Landrum and list out three songs.
Any three songs? Sweet.

"Get This Party Started" - tMac!

"Moonlit" - Falling Up

And "Rest" - Skillet
That's actually from the Best Kept Secret music video, but oh, well.

QUATTOR: Daily must-haves

QUINQUE: Confusing things
HTML language.

SEX (I'm sorry, but I'm counting in Latin. This is Latin for six!): Three random DVDs I own.
newsboys - live from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Comatose Comes Alive.
Need I speak more words?

SEPTEM: Three things I wish I'd known earlier
1. I agree wif Zazzamarandabo - People are not nice.
2. Two honors classes and Latin compounded together = work overload!
3. That Daddy wanted to know me.

OCTO: If I had to date a celebrity, whom would it be?
How about Jessy Ribordy?
I'd check to see if the lead singer of Falling Up is married, but seeing as the URL of the official website of the band expired...

NOVEM: If I wuz a celebrity, what would it be for?
Well, I'd guess writing.
Eh, yeah. :)
I hereby tag whoever. ;)


09 September 2009

Iiiiiiiiit's mah birfday...

Yes it sure be. :)
I've gotten a whole load of stuff, too... and it hasn't stopped coming...
But my biggest birthday gift this year?

Ain't he the kewlest? Eh? Eh??

Buuuut the front bumper isn't staying on (the above photo of the front was a temporary miracle), and the inside still needs to be cleaned up a little, so it's still a long way away. :)

See what I mean?

Torque and his high-performance twin, AKA my stepbrother's soon-t0-be-former car. I'll let you decide which one is better.

Which do you think is better?

And now for the random photos... from last blog. 'Member?

See? I *do* has a photo of a dead snake!
It's so... lifeless. ;)
I'm not sure what happened with its head, though. Hmm...

I love this photo - do you? ;)
Please excuse the pink. The shirt's black and says Harley-Davidson, so that redeems it.

And the drawing of the Red Snapper. It took a bit, but it... looks really cool.
Do you agree? ;)

Happy happy joy joy, to all... ;)


05 September 2009

It's been a long, long fall...

It's been a while, hasn't it? *checks Landrum, checks cellphone*
Y'know, last August I posted 41 times. This August, I don't think I even posted once. :O What change...
So I shall discuss with you what's been goin on. :)

First thing's first... I don't remember telling you about this, so I shall tell you. :)

It's a bunny! :D
We got bunny last month, I think. Her name doth be Snowball, but she's... the size of a creampuff that is just barely too big for my hand. She's cute and jumpy... and hyperactive.

And den we went to Ohaio. ;) We liveded with my stepfather's sister in her hauz. It was huuuge. :)

Along the way, we stopped...

At McDonald's. But this was an OLD McDonald's! It had photos of Mickey D's stores that said 15 cents for a louzy cheezburgr! Maek all da kittehs happeh! ;)
So, yah.

Dah house was huge. And she had aminals, too. ;)

Dis is Blade. He ish a Labrodor Retriever mix. :) He had a friend named Mattie, who was bigger than he was, but I never got a photo of her. :( But Blade is kool. :)

Dis is Dancer. Dancer was one of the two tiny little dogs I during my stay; she's a Cavelier King Charles Spaniel. The other dog was her friend Lokie, also a Cavelier King Charles. They belonged to one of my stepfather's sister's children. :) Dancer was the shy one who didn't like too many people, while Lokie was the adventrous one.
And there's Ricky. One of the few cats I saw during my stay. Poor thing was elderly and mostly sweet... until he decided to wake me up at 5 AM one morning. :P He reminds me of one of mah kittehs. :)
"Hao can I halp u tudai?" ;)

And now... the star of the show, and the stay...

You got a glimpse of Colby's beehind when I took that foto of Blade.
Colby was a fun little dog... only he was nowhere near little, and he was still a puppy! I still remember when we wandered in the door and he was growling like crazy at my little sister. :P But he was fun.

And now some random photos from the trip and coming back from the trip...

Stoplight! This was outside my stepfather's sister's eldest son's place. He has a fishing hole out back. *shh!*
Don't I look like 'sirK in this picture? Don't I? ;)

It's a kiwifruit! ;)

It's me and my favorite motorcycle of that bike shop we visited.

It's a rectangle!

It's me hold a phone awkwardly! ;)

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a runaway truck ramp on the highway. Dis is for when any vehicle's brakes fail - not just a truck, though it's much more dangerous for a truck's brakes to die. Just pull onto this ramp, and the uphill climb will stop you! ;)

Ain't he cute? This is my nephew. He turned three while we were down here. If it weren't for him, we would've left two days early. :P

And finally, our new Wii! My little sister is addicted to it. :P

Okay, there doth be one more thing to talk of before I leave you all to comment. Remember my car?

Here it was when we started it for the first time. I quote myself here: "it lives! it *revs!*"

And this is what it looks like now. Quite a change, huh? It spurts out a lot of exhaust when you use it, though. Hopefully, it won't be like that when we're done. :)
I've driven it around, too. Twice. ;)

And here are the door panels. They're actually still sitting in my room, positioned just like that. They're all clean and disinfected, but they don't go back in the car until the doors are painted. Meh.
And speaking of painting, some of the parts have been painted already.

The side-view mirrors

The things that go on the lugnuts keeping the tires united with the car

And my spoiler!

Two other parts have been painted as well, including my front bumper, but those things I have photos of are sitting in my room right now. ;)
And the car has a solid name now - Torque.

And now, I will blog a random photo next. Shall I blog a photo of a dead snake, me wearing a Harley-Davidson shirt, or a drawing I did of a Red Snapper (it's a fish)?