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21 August 2008


Do ya like the new digs? Poor netsirK didn't guess what my own new layout reminds me of. I'll just give it away to her and nonohoicha now.

They all fall,
Like a million raindrops,
Fallin' from a blue sky,
Kissin' your cares goodbye!

Oh, they all fall,
Like a million pieces,
A tickertape parade, high,
And now you're free to fly!

:D :D
One of my favorite newsboys songs! If you can't guess the song now, netsirK and nonohoicha, I will be utterly surprised... and somewhat ashamed.

In other news...

My mom almost freaked me out a few seconds ago!! I thought she told me my little sister's school teacher taught her so well that she skipped a grade. GASP! Not even I was that good!! Naturally, I was like, "WHAT?!?!"
Luckily, I was mistaken. It was her TEACHER that skipped a grade.
Silly me.

Ah, well. That be it for meh.



netsirK said...


I shoulda guessed that. Rain. lol. Silly meh.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Oooooh!!!! That is very pretty template!!!