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28 October 2010

We... are Bored...

No... I am not schizophrenic... :)

There is a certain car in our midst... he's not as cool as Torque, and he's not staying for too much longer, but I thought I might show him off before he shoves off.

His codename is Bouncy Tank - you may call him Tank. :)
Why is that his codename?
He's a Friggin'. Bouncy. Tank! ;)

He makes you feel like a seven-foot giant when you sit within him, aaand he bounces all over the place. Makes for a very interesting ride...

Anyway. I'm quite bored, so, uh... yeah. :)
I'ma bore you all with some semi-pointless DH trivia! Reaady?? OKAY!

This... is Ryan Clark, circa 2005. I love, love, love the shadow effect here.

He and his brother Don founded DH in 2001. This man is some kinda amazing - he screams, he sings, he plays guitar, he headbangs despite a noticeable lack of hair, and he apparently plays drums on RockBand (still kinda wondering why he didn't sing...)

And he songwrites pretty dang well, too. As well as a very affable chairspinner. ;) Can you tell this guy's my favorite DH-er?
Photo courtesy of

This... is Patrick Judge, one of the two newcomers to DH, circa 2010. His bandmates call him Patches. I like calling him Patchy myself. :)

He's a really, really freaking good guitarist, and it shows on The World is a Thorn. Guitar solos left and right, man! He sounds thus far like the rest of the guys - really funny and really nice. He looks really emo-esque in official photos, sadly...
I wish I had more on this guy - he and Yogi are tied as my second favorite DH member.
Photo courtesy of

This here be Tim Watts, circa 2005... but everyone calls him Yogi. Everyone.

Yogi is... the sweetest drummer guy ever, really - maybe it's the bald head and red hair - and a realleh guhd drummer at that. You'd have to see it to really believe the nice part, in my opinion, because he can be an imposing presence... and there's no pun intended there. :)
My second favorite DH-er, tied with Patchy.
Photo courtesy of

This is Jonathan Dunn, circa 2010. He's DH's bassist and he has really cool hair.

And he just ruined his iPhone. :P *cough* Anyway.
Jon's been in DH forever... like Ryan, except maybe not as long. He apparently also did not want to play Rock Band... he's weird like that. But yeah.
Photo courtesy of

And last but definitely not least, this is Ryan Helm, circa 2010. I differentiate between him and de other Ryan above by calling him Helm.

He has ACTION DREADS, as demonstrated in the above photo. When he headbangs, his hair goes everywhere. Provides some really, really cool shots alongside the guitar he's playin'. It was a cool point in the Collapsing music video - slow-motion shots of his dreadlocks flying everywhere.

It's really kewl.
Photo courtesy of

And the honorable mention:

Don Clark! Ryan's brother... circa 2005. He left in 2009. :( He used to be a guitarist for DH, but no more.

I've seen videos of him. His voice is deeper than Ryan's... Hmm...
But anyway, he did help found DH, so I wanted to mention him. Because he's still cool.
Photo courtesy of

And now, I leave you with this:

Why is there bacon in the soap?

CZYA, yo.

23 October 2010


*shuffles in*
*coughs into fist*

Uhhh... hi.

WOW, this place is dusty! *sweeps hand across cobwebs* MEEHHHHH! COBWEBS!

*deep breath* Yeah. It's, uh... good to be back in old digs...

What has changed, you ask, besides the blogging right now thing? Well...

I'm a junior in high school. I'm sixteen now, I can drive (I CAN FRIGGIN' DRIVE!!), and Torquie and I go up and down the roads now, terrorizing people with my loud Demon Hunter blasting.

Which leads me into another thing - I'm turning into a Demon Hunter fanatic. It's strange how detracting myself from the nb has driven me into... harder rock. Like metal...

I'm not entirely sure why I'm a Hunter now. Perhaps it's because it's so different from what I had been listening to. Perhaps because it calms my nerves. Perhaps because Ryan Clark's voice rocks. Who knoweth.

I have also changed youth groups and I am quite content where I am in terms of that. My new youth leader is the bomb. And a sweetheart to boot. *cough* anyway.

I leave you with this:

Have fun with that.

CZYA, yo.